School Safety Resources


School Safety on the Ridge
At Lake Wales High School, we work closely with local law enforcement, the Lake Wales Police Department, to help us ensure safety for our students and staff on the Ridge. If you have concerns about school safety and would like to speak to our School Resource Officer, Officer David Hernandez, please call the LWHS Front Office at 863-678-4222 or email him at

Safety initiatives/updates at LWHS:

  • Continued monitoring around the campus to enhance perimeter security.

  • Implemented student and staff ID badges on lanyards as a required part of the school dress code.

  • School Safety Guardians and additional Security on campus.

  • Continued quarterly emergency drills such as: lockdown, fire drills, heightened security, and weather.

  • Regular SRO updates and communication for on-campus and internet safety. This applies to both staff and students.

In the off chance an actual emergency situation does take place on our campus, LWHS will correspond with families through our callout system, LWHS social media, LWHS website, and Schoology. 


Safe Schools

Polk County Public Schools’ Safe Schools ensures the safety and security of all public schools within Polk County, including Lake Wales High School.

The division advises on all matters related to the safety and security of Polk County Public Schools’ students, staff and facilities, ensuring the school district utilizes best standards, practices and philosophies.


Safe Schools Responsibilities include:

  • Overseeing school resource officers and school crossing guards countywide.

  • Coordinating safety, security, and emergency preparedness assessments, inspections, and training.

  • Recommending staffing changes, equipment purchases and facility upgrades related to school safety and security.

  • Collaborating with other departments within the school district on capital improvements related to school safety and security.

  • Performing inspections of schools and district offices to ensure compliance with safety and security policies, and advising administration of non-compliance issues.

  • Ensuring adherence to emergency management goals, including providing for restoration of services, functions, and facilities in a timely manner.

  • Coordinating event and risk assessments with local law enforcement agencies.

  • Fostering and sustaining professional relationships with school administrators, various outside agencies, private contractors, and community contacts.

  • Ensuring coordinated responses by local law enforcement agencies and school officials to criminal activity on school campuses. Responsibilities related to school discipline remain solely with the Polk County School Board.

The Safe Schools Department is staffed through a contract with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, and encompasses the School Resource Unit, School Safety Guardian, Gang Resistance Intervention Unit and School Crossing Unit.


Internet Safety

Lake Wales Charter School students are being taught Internet Safety Curriculum in the classroom. Students will be taught online safety curriculum at various grade levels and will have an assessment. Teachers will use a variety of resources to accomplish this, some of those resources include videos, handouts, online games, and other materials. Schools will also hold a parent’s night to present this information.

There are seven main objectives that this curriculum covers:

  • Students will demonstrate safe and responsible use of social networking, web sites, chat rooms, electronic mail, bulletin boards, instant messaging, and texting on cell phones.

  • Students will recognize, avoid, and report online solicitations by sexual predators.

  • Students will recognize and avoid the risks of transmitting personal information on the Internet.

  • Students will recognize and avoid unsolicited or deceptive online communication.

  • Students will recognize and report online harassment and cyberbullying.

  • Students will understand the procedures for reporting illegal online activities and communications.

  • Students will understand copyright laws on written materials, photographs, music and video.

Below is a selection of some of the resources teachers are using:


What Adults Can Do

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Homepage Here you’ll find lots of information about crime and crime prevention including Internet Safety for Kids.

  • Federal Trade Commission: Parent and Teacher Resources

  • GetNetWise

  • Microsoft Online Safety – Minimize the risk of cyberbullying, help kids use social networking sites more safely, and use parental controls in Microsoft products to help keep your family safer online.

  • National Center for Missing & Exploited Children –
Resources for parents & guardians, law enforcement, attorneys, and the media.

  • Net Nanny – 
This software allows parents to control certain aspects of internet use for their children.

  • Net Smartz Workshop – 
Internet Safety for Parents, Educators, Law Enforcement, Kids, and Teens.

  • OnGuard Online – Provides practical tips from the federal government and the technology industry to help you be on guard against Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information.

  • Safe Surf – Keeping Florida safe from shore to digital shore. This website was developed to help educate students about the safe uses of the internet and to emphasize the need for cyber safety.

  • Stay Safe Online –Provides free and non-technical cyber security and safety resources to the public, so consumers, small businesses and educators have the know how to avoid cyber crime.

  • Wired Safety –Internet Safety for Parents, Educators, Law Enforcement, Kids, and